Student at Plymouth College of Art, Blog for my work and research.

Thursday 15 May 2014


Overall I completed my projects to a level I am pleased with, I managed my time well and got everything finished. I feel as though I have broadened my portfolio by taking on new genres of illustration I don't normally do such as packaging. I found the beauty packaging project a challenge as I came across problems I have not solved before so learnt along the way and I think the outcomes are very successful.

I really enjoyed working on the Bear cereal box design as I am most interested in illustrating for children and this outlet was different from the children's book I have done in the past. It was refreshing to work in a new way yet still have the same audience and this genre is something I will be interested in looking into in the future. The most difficult part of the cereal box project was including the text. I found it hard to get the placement right of the text on the back of the box as there was a lot of it and the shapes it had to go in were all different. I first tried handwritten text but once scanned in and printed it became to difficult to read in the small spaces so then I used digital text, this came out much easier to see. The text is something that needs extra work on to make it fit right. Looking back I also would like to play around with the text on the front of the box on the bowl, making it bolder and bigger as I think it would improve it.

The beauty packaging project was a completely new area for me and I wanted to show I can fit in other genres and still keep my own style, I think I did this successfully. I am really pleased with the outcomes as I think they really fit together as a whole. After printing and making the boxes out of card I realised the quality of the images dropped and the text on the back became a bit hard to read as it was fuzzy, this is something that needs to be fixed, the writing needs to be bigger and bolder. I also would like to try printing on different card as I think the quality is not as good as it could be.

The last project was my favourite to do as I had a personal connection to it, the images are all part of my everyday life. I would like to continue this project and carry on illustrating collections of objects in the future as well as printing the designs onto cushions, mugs, bags, ect like the ones on my Society6 shop. I am happy with most of the outcomes except the mugs one as I tried out lots of placements but struggled to get the placement and text feel as though it fits together. This needs further experimentation. Also after looking back I said in my statement I wanted the illustrations to have a limited colour palette but I ended up using a variety of colours but I still think they work well together.

After printing my portfolio I realised that the double page spreads don't work as well as I had hoped, I need to work on these pages. Also I would want to print better quality for showing to agencies. I couldn't afford the portfolio reccommeneded right now so used a cheaper version, I would like to invest in an expensive portfolio for going to acengies. I think I have a good online presence as I have lots of different sites but I need to update and improve my blog and my behance as they don't have very much on them yet. My blog needs to be personalised as I am only using a plain template at the moment and it doesn’t look very professional so I need to improve it.

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